Adventures of Katie

This blog will be personal reviews of food/recipes/entertainment and travel destinations based on the experiences of a mid-twenties graduate student.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Hey guys,
I just went camping!! (for somethin like the 3rd time ever) It was very much fun. We went to Big Bend campground in Roosevelt National Forest. There was a beautiful hiking trail (roaring creek I think) that we went about half way up yesterday. There were streams and beautiful views. I also bought my first pair of hiking boots on friday and I'd say they're highly recommended (especially compared to my blown out white sneakers with no traction... come on guys... you know the ones ;o)
Sleeping however, was a little bit challenging. It was sooo cold!! I was in a mummy bag all sinched up and still freezing. (I've determined I'd make a terrible larva) Luckily though, by the time I got up in the morning the nice boy I went with had built a fire. I like boys that can make fire, it makes camping so much more comfortable. Of course, I could make it too, but that would involve coldness and an extra hour or so of wakefullness.
I've taken a leave of absence from work but due to incompetent management, it got translated to Ken as my quitting. So jobless once again, I've got lots and lots of time so who knows? Mabye I'll post again soon. Take care <3 katie


Blogger Tom said...

Woo, a third post. And I didn't even have to egg you on about this one. Sounds like camping was fun.

8:34 AM  

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