Adventures of Katie

This blog will be personal reviews of food/recipes/entertainment and travel destinations based on the experiences of a mid-twenties graduate student.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

One Red Paper Clip

So I don't know if you've heard about this, but a fellow e-blogger set out to trade one red paperclip for something else and trade that etc. untill he had a house. As of yesterday, he traded one movie roll for one house. This is pretty cool (especially for someone as... thrifty as I can be) <3 katie


Blogger mnthomp said...

Um, that is insane. How on earth does one trade a red paper clip for a house? I mean, I read about it and stuff, but still, c'mon! Pretty nifty though. Too bad he had to move to Saskachawan, Canada to do it. hehe.

9:32 AM  
Blogger mnthomp said...

So, I thought you said you found something new to blog about...?

2:15 PM  

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