Adventures of Katie

This blog will be personal reviews of food/recipes/entertainment and travel destinations based on the experiences of a mid-twenties graduate student.

Monday, May 29, 2006

More proof that TV just likes to mess with people

Hey Guys,
So its about 3:30am and since I didn't wake up till 1 this afternoon I can't sleep. So, instead of infomercials, I've been watching this show called "Parental Control". In this show, parents, who don't like their daughter's boyfriend, pick 2 blind dates for the girl to go on and then decide who she wants to see more of (her boyfriend or one of the dates).
Its a good deal really when you think about it. The girl gets a free pass to cheat. The boyfriend has to watch the dates as they happen. If nothing else, its a recipe for relationship troubles which will make the folks happy.
On the flip side though, if things do work out with the bf, the folks have made it painfully clear that they will do everything in their power (including national telivision)to destroy the relationship. Is that healthy? How do you handle that situation? The bf is in a loose loose situation as is the girl. Its possible that the folks have created an alliance between the two. Besides, there are very few things a girl likes better than a "bad boy".
This is a terrible terrible idea for real life applicaiton but like most of those ideas its really addicting and fun to watch.... yea I'm a bad person I can't help but watch the trainwreck. I'd recommend it though.
<3 katie


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