Adventures of Katie

This blog will be personal reviews of food/recipes/entertainment and travel destinations based on the experiences of a mid-twenties graduate student.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Hey guys,
Well, here I am single again. Not really by choice, but I suppose that all the crying in the world can't make someone love you so I'm trying very hard not to see the point in it. No worries though (tom, mel, jess, mike and all of those lovely friends that I know are searching for their car keys) my mama is driving up to make sure I don't pull a full drama fit and I'm looking foward to seeing her.
Mabye if I'm lucky, in a few weeks I'll come across another air-force, ittalian, or jello-shot boy ;o) I've noticed that only the one's I care about get to have real names. Does that mean I'm insensitive? Who knows.
I've also noticed, and girls, let me know if you've experienced the same thing, that some boys can get a litle bit too "touchy" when trying to be comforting. I'm sorry but forcing a girl onto your lap and not letting her get up or or stratteling your legs around a girl thats laying on your couch seems a little bit innappropriate to me. That and it makes you feel used and a little bit dirty. But who knows? Mabye I'm just a prude.
I do have to say however, that I do have the best kitty ever. She has all of the qualities that you'd want in a mate (you know except being of the same species and the appropriate genitalia). She's sweet and loyal, always happy to see me, affectionate, doesn't want me to go away, easily controlled by food and mute.
Take care guys and hopefully, I'll write again soon on happier things. <3 Katie


Blogger Tom said...

Sorry to hear that you're single again. But I'm glad that you have an awesome kitty. I have no kitty, and the fish that Melissa and I had, she gave away, and then it died . . . so anyways, I guess that' not the best "cheer up" story . . .

11:41 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

I love you katie!!!!

come visit me. I don't have a house anymore, but I'm sure we can work out something. Oh, yeah, I left my dad's. that's not exactly a good cheer up story, except that it was the end of a very destructive relationship, and that is a good thing, I think anyway. just remember that this guy had to leave so that the real hunk of your dreams could come sweep you off your feet.... or so you could spend more quality time with your kitty.

<3, mel

8:01 AM  

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