Adventures of Katie

This blog will be personal reviews of food/recipes/entertainment and travel destinations based on the experiences of a mid-twenties graduate student.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

my summer

wow, its been a busy few weeks. Let me see.. Over the summer: I've taken Abnormal Psych and HD320 (a and b respectively)
Went to Central Wisconsin (and later found out it is where Adam goes to school and I actually ate where he works)
Went to Philidelphia, Washington and Maryland (saw Jane)
Brent taught me how to drive standard (woo hoo!! and the best part is..I so rock at it!)
Backed my father's car into a bush (retract previous statement)
Matt, Kyle and I floated down the Colorado River on a Queen sized air matress (soo fun)
Become a regular with Brent at Narion's the Nepalese resteraunt
Helped Kyle fix up his new $200 Jetta which looks great now and it even runs!! ;o)
Lost my keys on a construction site (long stupid story)
Saw Alyssa get married
and finally noticed that my formerly scrawny next door neighbor (the older one that mows the lawn for my mom and is back from college) has grown into hands down the most attractive man I have ever seen (we're talking better than Harrison here guys seriously its criminal)
That's a quick update but I'll let you all know how "hey do you have a policy against grabbing lunch with your client's daughter" goes over. Take care <3katie


Blogger Mel said...

wow . . . and you still have to road trip out for the wedding. a very awesome summer indeed.

can't wait to see you... only a littl more than two weeks now (commence freaking out. . . )


1:25 PM  

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