Adventures of Katie

This blog will be personal reviews of food/recipes/entertainment and travel destinations based on the experiences of a mid-twenties graduate student.

Monday, June 26, 2006


So apparantly VH1 has decided to change the name of their late night music videos from "Insomniac Theater" to "Nocturnal Sizzler". Now what exactly is that going to accomplish? One would think that their audience is kind of fixed. I mean there might be some people that would make the extra effort to stay up until 1am because the videos sound a bit more sexy but are those the viewers you really want? Lets face it, if "sizzler" is what tips the scale for ya, you weren't comin from a full party to begin with.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

37 billion eggs in one basket

So Warren Buffet has decided to begin giving away his fortune during his lifetime contrary to previos plans of waiting till his death. Personally, I think that the projected larges charitable gift in history is fabulous but not necessarilly well planned. The way it is set up, Buffett will give a fixed amount to the Gates foundation and his children's foundations yearly. Each year however, the donation will decrease by 5%. Of course if the stocks of his company raise in value, it could offsett or surpass the 5% decrease. The foundation would then have to annually spend the dollar amount of Buffett's donation. This donation will be made every year that either Bill or Melinda Gates are active in their organiation.
I think this is amazingly generous. The man is basically giving away 95% of his fortune. I just don't think that giving that large amount of money to 5 or so organizations is really wise. For instance, the Gate's foundation focuses on stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS, teburculosis, malaria and improving the nation's libraries and High schools. Very noble enterprises. But what happens if another major crisis happens? (IE Ebola becomes airborne, a major blight strikes the US and many of our food suppliers, a major depression hits and 30% of our populatoin becomes homeless etc) Shouldn't there be some sort of saftey fund for something HUGE and urgent that couldn't otherwise be addressed? I suppose there is always the government and anything this major probably would get official attention. I guess it just makes me nervous to have so much money in one place. But Warren Buffett is the financial genious not me so he probably knows what he's doing.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Too fabulous

Do these jeans look good on me?
The classic nature vs nurture argument. The article is a little repetative and does it only worry me that the NY times is quoting blogs? Yet, it does raise the question of genetics vs environment again. As far as this article goes. I believe some things are better left unknown. Yet again, people don't seem to understand the concept of balance. Of course genes play a role in behavior and weight of course so does the way you were raised and your personality (which again is a result of genes and your environment)but to write anything off entirely to genetics is rediculous. Also, there has to be some accounting for the effect of the heart, soul or human spirit (whatever you like to call it) and I don't believe that can be measured by science yet. But, of course, you make up your own mind.

Prejudice and Perception

After spending 2 1/2 weeks alone with my family and finally catching up with old friends, I think its finally time for more social commentary... which will have to wait.

Sunday, June 11, 2006
