Adventures of Katie

This blog will be personal reviews of food/recipes/entertainment and travel destinations based on the experiences of a mid-twenties graduate student.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween bees
Happy Halloween <3 katie

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Actions and their Reprocussions

I have always been facinated by the concept of victim blame. This is often obserbable in sexual assaults where the victim is seen as "putting themselves in that situation". The fact that they were drunk at 2am and decided to walk home unescorted is seen as "asking for it" and somehow makes their situation appear less tragic to observers.
In social work, you are taught to recognize and discourage this phenomenon. Instead, the emphasis is put on prevention. What would seem like common sense is taught to the vunerable population and the instance usually decreases.
Until recently, I thought myself to be immune to this callus viewpoint. Unfortionately I, like many others, apply this method of victim blame to many less severe cases. Today I caught myself saying things like "Of course this is going to happen, can't they see it coming?" and "Why would they put themselves in that situation?". This can apply to everything from dropping out of school to planning your weekend. This however is unfair.
If a compromising or awkward situation results from a situation, it is the fault of the person who initiates the inappropriate behavior and/or the person who consents to engage in it. No one else's. Many people in this world are perfectly trustworthy and simply putting yourself in a situation that could be viewed as "high-risk" does not make you responsible for the outcome.
I have been taught this concept many times, and apparantly am yet to master it on a micro-level. I have at least recognized my shortcomings and that is half the battle.
<3 katie

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Need for Consistency and the Procrastinating girl

Ok since I have to complete some of these scales for my paper I'm not REALLY procrastinating but seeing how I've done about 3 I might be over-doing it a little bit. This is a scale that measures people's "Need for consistency". I'm sure none of you can guess how I did on this one but it is interesting ;0)

Self Monitoring Scale

Self Monitoring and the Procrastinating Girl

For those of you that might not know, I've been reading up on "Self Monitoring Behavior" for a psychology class this year. I haven't been able to figure out whether I am a high or low self monitor and could really decide which I wanted to be. (High self monitors are very good at changing their behaviors to suit any social situation and have a tendency to be more persuasive, well liked and successful in business. Low self monitors use their internal beliefs to guide their behaviors instead of social cues and tend to have much deeper and more fufilling relationships than high self monitors.) True to my slightly leftist moderate form, I scored a 53/100 (0= low self monitor 100= high self monitor) So I am right in the middle. Where are you? (Now I've gotta go write some papers) <3 katie

It doesn't matter if you're a low self monitor or a high one -- you can link to this site! If you have a web page, you can use some of the below HTML code to make a button. Looking for the quiz? Go here.