Adventures of Katie

This blog will be personal reviews of food/recipes/entertainment and travel destinations based on the experiences of a mid-twenties graduate student.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Oi veh! Well its 4:37 am day 4 of the smoke free holliday experiment. Besides drinking exorbonent amounts of green tea, I've been fighting the cravings by being 'useful' (i.e. today I baked mannicotti for lunch, cleaned out my car and stayed up all night scanning family photos from our upstairs hallway). I'm not really sure how useful these things actually are but it kinda helps (not nearly as much as inhaling carcenogens but it works a little). The big plan for tomarrow is to groom and bathe my cat, Tabbikins and follow that up with a bath of strong tea. (Its supposed to help people who are allergic to cats) Apparantly, if you brew really strong black tea and wash your cat with it, it does something to the dander. Not sure what exactly, but I figure it won't hurt anything.
I was also amused today when I heard about the Fox network cancelling the "If I Did It..." interview with O.J. Simpson. As someone who STILL thinks that O.J. is innocent, I would have been interested to see the interview. The reporter scheduled to question O.J. apparantly justified the show by saying that she had been in an abusive relationship. (I'm bad with links but I'm sure you can find it) Now, despite not knowing how the reporter's past history has ANY relavance on this topic, I really don't blame Fox for initially approving this interview. Granted its tasteless, yes, it would allow O.J. to potentially profit from a heinous crime (if you think he did it) but most of America would have watched. I know I would have. The Simpson trial was one of the first trials to be shown daily from beginning to end. It created what many called "The 13th Juror" in that the public was able to see the evidence (more than the actual Jurors) and make up their mind as to whether or not O.J. committed the crime. Many thought he did but we can never know.... unless he tells us. In the United States, you can't be tried for the same crime twice (unless you count civil suits). If O.J. did it, it could be a valuable lesson to the law enforcement and detectives involved in the case. How often does a police force get a "key" to a test they failed? For those who say this interview would have been disrespectful to the families of the deceased; remember that O.J. was found responsible in the civil suit. He owes the families more money than he can repay, any money that he could have made in this venture would probably have to go directly to the families (I don't know this for sure but its the only thing that makes sense). Feel free to debate me on this one. As it is nearly 5am and I haven't slept yet it is very possible that there have been holes in my reasoning. <3 katie

Monday, November 13, 2006

Smoke Out

So I've decided to quit smoking... again. Oddly enough, its not because its gross, yellows your teeth causes premature aging or even that it causes cancer. Its because its kind of stupid. See, I never smoked to look cool, fit in or seem older. Most people don't. In today's society, smoking turns you into a social pariah of sorts. Most smokers don't really care if you smoke or not. There's no social exclusion or pressure to do so. The same is not the case of people that don't smoke. Even if you choose to do it in private,there are dissappointed glances and condecending lectures about cancer when you get back. This only makes me want to smoke more because I get so ticked about the rudeness. A GROCERY STORE CLERK once said "you know these cause cancer right?". Now I didn't know this woman beyond the occational trip to the grocery store. A person would get in trouble for saying "you know these make you fat right?" when ringing up cupcakes for an obese person. Why? Because its DISRESPECTFUL. It ignores a persons right of self determination. Once my right was finally respected, I came to the conclusion on my own. I usually smoke when I'm angry or stressed but I'm pretty sure there are better alternatives. I think it might work this time though because I just don't want to anymore so we'll see how this goes.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments II - The Domino Effect

The guys from EepyBird are back, with 251 bottles of Diet Coke and over 1,500 Mentos mints. In Experiment #137, they did a mint-powered version of the Bellagio fountains. This time, it's one giant Coke & Mentos chain reaction that has to be seen to be believed.

Keywords: eepybird eepy bird mentos coke diet coke mentos experiment fountain soda science geyser experiments fountains geysers

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Absolution of Drama

It is amazing how good one feels after the various drama that life affords us has passed. I suppose that drama, like most other things (besides iceburg lettuce) serves a purpose. It allows you to see how yourself and others handle sticky situations and illustrates the character of those closest to you; lets you know who you can count on and who you can't. After it has passed though, things usually return to the way they were before with very little alteration. The only thing gained really, is knowledge and sometimes, a little bit more self respect. I hope that none of you have had any drama recently, but if so take heart, I am sure "this too will pass". <3 katie