Adventures of Katie

This blog will be personal reviews of food/recipes/entertainment and travel destinations based on the experiences of a mid-twenties graduate student.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

My First Demo Derby

That was a blast!! I just got back from my first demolition derby. It was at the Mesa County Fairgrounds. Matt, Adam, Corey and I went. There were fires and made me feel so much better about my driving. After all, I didn't do as much damage as all that and besides, its been over a year ;o) Afterwards, Adam and I decided that our real undiscovered talent was riding the mechanical bull. Not so sure about Adam, but I stayed on surprisingly long (well at least long enough for matt to start making lewd comments) Tomarrow, we're having the neighbors over for a barbeque. My dad is checking out his new smoker (The Big Green Egg) and I'm checking out my neighbor. Wish me luck <3 katie

Thursday, July 28, 2005

my summer

wow, its been a busy few weeks. Let me see.. Over the summer: I've taken Abnormal Psych and HD320 (a and b respectively)
Went to Central Wisconsin (and later found out it is where Adam goes to school and I actually ate where he works)
Went to Philidelphia, Washington and Maryland (saw Jane)
Brent taught me how to drive standard (woo hoo!! and the best part is..I so rock at it!)
Backed my father's car into a bush (retract previous statement)
Matt, Kyle and I floated down the Colorado River on a Queen sized air matress (soo fun)
Become a regular with Brent at Narion's the Nepalese resteraunt
Helped Kyle fix up his new $200 Jetta which looks great now and it even runs!! ;o)
Lost my keys on a construction site (long stupid story)
Saw Alyssa get married
and finally noticed that my formerly scrawny next door neighbor (the older one that mows the lawn for my mom and is back from college) has grown into hands down the most attractive man I have ever seen (we're talking better than Harrison here guys seriously its criminal)
That's a quick update but I'll let you all know how "hey do you have a policy against grabbing lunch with your client's daughter" goes over. Take care <3katie

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What's in a name?

Hmmm so lets see. So if someone has a certain name, that has been a bit of a pattern for me and is persuing a degree that almost all of my ex's have persued (or at least attempted to) does that mean that I am falling into old patterns or just have an eye for a certain type? But the good news is that this one is blonde!! (yea I know, total break from regular dark hair, light eyes and sideburns thing) Of course, you've still got the light eyes and sideburns and the hair is kind of sandy-blonde but hey baby steps right?
SO so far, the plan for tom's wedding is to pack into a car with tom's dad, Gursh, Tom's aunt and her 4year old daughter and drive 17 hours each way to California between friday and sunday. But how often does a close friend get married? (and I'm not talking abuot that one friend who you could tell by 13 was gonna be working on hubby #7 by 30, I'm talking the good soulful friend that takes these things really seriously)
Oh yea, and Brent, Loren, Chrystal and I kept tradition alive on the 2nd. We went to the roller derby with 2 more of "America's Hero's" (ie brents forest service buddies from work). After normal goofing off (and teaching my lame ass to skate) the tricks started. Now, keep in mind that we're all in classic 4 wheel skates alla- 80's style leather sneaker bit but the guys are flipping and twirling like the're on their blades. Loren jumps 4 people, Adam and Loren ride the rims of the saftey walls prompting a "Hey skaters, just a friendly reminder to please not use the walls for tricks". So then the trashcan moves out to the middle of the rink for jumping. Brent messes up his hand but still wants to do tricks so Brent and I get this great idea involving a piggy-back (brent has balance about like mine) and (not surprizingly) wind up sprawled on the floor. Loren and the DJ guy got into a "skate off" around closing time that was hysterical!! I tweaked my knee and by the end of the next day could finally put weight on it again but now my calf hurts :o( I'm such a dumbass. I could feel sorry for myself if I hadn't hurt myself being dumb but I'm just making fun of myself each time I hit a flight of stairs. Ouch!...well oc course it hurts stupid...agch!...ooh this sounds like a good idea....Ow!...anything you and brent do is gonna be brilliant. Of course at least it was worth it. I had a blast (and finally learned how to roller skate too :o)
PS Uncle Bill is doing great (thank you mel)
Take Care Everyone,
<3 Katie