My future? Hmm so aparantly I am a mix between Artistic,investigative and social helper. Interesting
This blog will be personal reviews of food/recipes/entertainment and travel destinations based on the experiences of a mid-twenties graduate student. Hmm so aparantly I am a mix between Artistic,investigative and social helper. Interesting
Hey Guys,
So its about 3:30am and since I didn't wake up till 1 this afternoon I can't sleep. So, instead of infomercials, I've been watching this show called "Parental Control". In this show, parents, who don't like their daughter's boyfriend, pick 2 blind dates for the girl to go on and then decide who she wants to see more of (her boyfriend or one of the dates).
Its a good deal really when you think about it. The girl gets a free pass to cheat. The boyfriend has to watch the dates as they happen. If nothing else, its a recipe for relationship troubles which will make the folks happy.
On the flip side though, if things do work out with the bf, the folks have made it painfully clear that they will do everything in their power (including national telivision)to destroy the relationship. Is that healthy? How do you handle that situation? The bf is in a loose loose situation as is the girl. Its possible that the folks have created an alliance between the two. Besides, there are very few things a girl likes better than a "bad boy".
This is a terrible terrible idea for real life applicaiton but like most of those ideas its really addicting and fun to watch.... yea I'm a bad person I can't help but watch the trainwreck. I'd recommend it though.
<3 katie
They didn't peg me correctly (Phish Food is my favorite) but they might be better with you.
My kitty came home!! She waltzed in this morning. Despite a scratch on her nose, a wound on her ear, and a 4x2 inch bald spot on her back, she looks just fine. :o)
You are a Social Liberal (71% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (33% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
Hey there everyone (aka, Jess, Matt, Possibly Brent Jason Mike and Daddy),
Well I went to the Wild Asparagus Ball again this year and I must say it was a much better time. Its funny how easy it is to slip into old habits. Is that a sign it was a good habit or more of a relapse? There is nothing like getting all dressed up and feeling pretty for an evening (not that I don't feel pretty on a regular basis but you know). Mabye it was that Nicole had done my hair, or that I hadn't been through a taxing break up 3 or 4 days before but it was so nice to spend the evening with old friends doing something I used to do more often.
Its a strange phenomenon too when you don't want a night to end. You don't know exactly where you want it to go but you know it isn't over yet. Eventually biology takes over though and you simply have to go to sleep which is about where I am now. I hope you all are doing very well. Gave a good night(or day depending on when you're reading this).
<3 Katie
My insanely stupid emo name is revive my revenge because I want to believe in us.
Take The "If Your Name Was An Emo Song... Generator Thingy" today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
My is Katie The Horny Lady that one dreams to own a Mop Factory.
Take Your HOTT, Sexy Amish Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
My ultra sexy ethnic stud-muffin name is Adriana Hernandez.
Take The Ethnic Stud Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.